Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Commercialization of Christ

I drive by a Christian bookstore on my way home from work everyday.  On the last day of school I decided to stop by the store and pick up some reading material for the summer.  

            This store uses the words “Bookstore” very liberally.  Yes, they sold bibles and devotionals and books but that was only a small portion of the items they sold.   What I saw was the commercialization of Christ.  I saw “Jesus Saves” on shirts that had similar logo’s to soda cans.  Popular board games like “Apples to Apples”  or “Cranium” have biblical versions.   Bible verses were plastered on everything from coffee mugs to wallets to pill bottles.   I even saw a package of mints called “Testamints”.   Veggie Tales of course lined the entire back wall of the store.  

What is the purpose of all this junk?  Does it glorify GOD or is it just to make money?

            I think of the story in Matthew where Jesus goes to the temple and overturns tables and states: “My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.” 
~Matthew 21: 12-13. 

            Do you think Christ is ok with the way he has been commercialized?  Is someone going to accept Christ because I hand them a testamint?  Is that what the gospel is about?

            Maybe I am wrong for thinking this, but I want people to know I am a Christian because of the way I act and not because I have a fish bumper sticker on the back of my car.   Jesus sees the heart, not the T-shirt that advertises him.

            Also, people who give a religious track in lieu of a tip at restaurants really make me angry.   It is cheep & tacky and it gives Christians a bad name.   Do you think that single mom is going to go to church after you stiff her a tip?   If you want to give a religious track to a waiter or waitress, do so~ but please leave a tip!

 I suppose this is just my rant for the day.. 

Hope I didn’t offend anyone…

~Sunny :D

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