Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Tongue (Part 3)

I searched and searched and I was unable to find a new job for next year.   Things between my principal and I are very bad this year and I desperately wanted to leave.  (10 out of 25 teachers resigned this year~ so it was not just me~ and more are leaving everyday).     The jobs I wanted in my district got filled before I could even apply so I started to apply in surrounding school districts~ all in a feeble attempt to leave.   GOD kept every door closed that I knocked on.  I accepted the fact that I will be there next year. 
I searched my heart and asked GOD what the purpose of me staying in that school would be.  Then I got a series of verses about the tongue.  Things like: “A gentle answer turns away wrath”  (Proverbs 15:1).   “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” (Proverbs 15:4).
I anticipated that I would have a long conversation with my boss~ and I was getting warnings to watch my tongue.  Two days later, I found myself sitting in her office airing my grievances.   She is my boss, so I had to speak with gentle tongue.  I backed up what I said with specific incidences from our interactions together.   I explained how her criticism made me feel. I felt unwelcomed and unappreciated for the things I do right.  

She cried.  It was kind of awkward and a little humbling to see your boss cry.

            She apologized for making me feel that way and verbally considered the idea that her behavior might be the reason for the mass exodus from our school.   She told me that I was the third teacher to approach her with this same topic in the last week.   She told me that I was “one of the best teachers she ever had”.  Then I showed her my evaluations which told a very different story.  She recognized why I would feel so undervalued based on her behavior.
            I am not super thrilled to return back to that school in the fall.   I know I will need to spend time with GOD this summer to prepare my heart for next year.  However, I am hoping that our “little chat” will make her think twice about the way she interacts with me next year.   I suppose all I can do is trust that GOD has a plan for my life and things will be better for me next year.

~Sunny :D

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