Saturday, May 24, 2014


It has been said that every 7 years you change friends because you reach different stages in your life.   I arrived in Phoenix on July 4, 2007.   It has almost been 7 years since I first arrived here.   During my 7 years in the state of Arizona, I completed my Master’s degree and most of the friends I have were made because of my coursework.   One by one I have witnessed them start new adventures and I feel like it’s time to close that chapter on my life.  
            They are wonderful people and I made many fond memories with them during the past 7 years.   We all lived so far away from our families that we celebrated holidays together.   We even had the honor of celebrating Thanksgiving with a few of our professors one year.  I was with them every weekend and often throughout the week.  Game nights, movie nights, dinner parties, piñata’s, baseball games, road trips, hiking, pool parties and the list can go on and on.  My scrapbooks are filled with amazing memories that I am very thankful for.  I rarely stayed home on Friday night. 
Many of them have moved away.  A few have decided to start a family.  One of them has left education to pursue other interests.  Three of them are relocating out of state in a few weeks.   I feel displaced when I am with them.   I used to feel so close to my friends and now we all sit in the same room and have nothing to talk about.   We no longer have that common thread of classes to talk about so we all feel like strangers.   
            I suppose it’s time for GOD to place new people in my life.   It’s been almost 7 years since I arrived to Phoenix.   I have made a few friendships with people at my school, but those I am close to are leaving at the end of the school year.  I don’t anticipate those friendships will continue once summer ends.  I am not sure what GOD has up his sleeve, but I am sure it will be a wonderful blessing for me.   I think it is a new season for me.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”.
~Ecclesiastes 3:1

~Sunny :D

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