Sunday, January 12, 2014


It is 2014 and a new year means new beginnings.  I am trying to fill up my time with new adventures and I am trying to make new friends and spread joy and encouragement to everyone.   This is my goal.

            I am seeking ways to get more involved into my church and I was speaking to a close friend about all the options I had.   She finally asked me:  “are you filling your cup or just filling your time?”  She continued to explain: “If you feel like these ministries are going to fill your cup, and make you feel whole and give you warm fuzzy feelings by all means do them.  However, if you think these ministries are just filling up time because you are single and don’t know what to do with your time, you are just wasting time and you will end up feeling burned out and frustrated.”

She was right! 

There is a difference between serving GOD and serving man.  When you serve GOD it brings you joy.   I want to serve GOD with MY talents and gifts.  When the LORD is able to use me and my skills it brings me joy.   It does not feel like a part time job.  It does not feel like a burden.  Serving GOD this way fills my up cup.

When you serve man (and his/her objectives) you will feel frustrated.   I can think of a time not too long ago when I left a situation in tears because I was not willing to do something I knew in my heart I would be very bad at.   My peg is very round and it won’t fit into a square hole no matter how hard I try to push it.   I did not feel like this was serving GOD, I felt like this was serving man and it filled my time but not my cup.

            If you have been around churches long enough you know that the church is referred to as being a “body” and each member has different parts (or gifts) to offer the church.    There are things I just can’t do.    There are people who find immense joy in doing crafts with children~ I am not one of those people.   There are people who enjoy teaching bible studies~ I am not one of those people either.   There are people who enjoy working with very young kids (nursery)~ I am definitely not that person either.  If I try to do ANY of these things, I am filling time.  
            I do have skills and talents.   As a teacher I am able to teach kids from Kindergarten-12 grade with ease and comfort.   I am not intimidated to lead a room of kids in a song.  I enjoy singing with the choir.  I enjoy opening up my home to friends for dinner, movies or board games.  I have a background in food service so I feel comfortable helping out at church fellowship dinners.   When I do these things I feel like I am serving GOD and it fills my cup.   I feel genuine JOY that can only come from the LORD.

“You assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. “
~Psalm 15:5
~Sunny :D

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