Sunday, January 5, 2014

BFF Praise Report

The BFF I blogged about a few weeks ago is still searching the LORD~ and I believe that GOD is teaching her how to hear HIS voice.    I am blown away by the things she says, things full of wisdom.  

She is attending church every Sunday.    She continues to tell me that she believes GOD is talking to her.

She wants me to begin to pray out loud before our meals.  You have to remember this is a women who used to tease me about this a year ago.

She sent me a text thanking me for being such a good example of a Christian women.  

Her husband recently joined the military band.   She was anxious because he will either go to Texas (so she can join) or Korea.  If he goes to Korea, she is not allowed to go with him and will have to stay here in Arizona.   They are not sure when he will get the orders.   I sent her Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, said the LORD. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you hope and a future."   She told me the scripture encouraged her and she said:  "Sunny, I have a peace about it.  I know GOD will work it out."

I am praying for her.  I really want her to understand how to have a relationship with GOD.  I want her to ALWAYS hear his voice and I want to see her in heaven someday..

Please keep praying for her!

~Sunny :D

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