Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lonely Places

I was reading the book of Luke and I came across this passage:

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”
~Luke 5:16

Jesus would go to lonely places to pray.  He desired to be alone.  Sometimes I feel the closest to GOD when I am the furthest away from my situations.   I often find that going on vacations alone are the times when I notice the most spiritual growth.  I have had tremendous breakthroughs on vacations and I usually feel rejuvenated when I return from them.  

While I am not literally alone on vacation, I am sort of alone in the fact that there are no friends around.  My cell phone is turned off, I don’t have any movies or TV, or music to distract me from my quiet time with GOD.

I am always curious how Jesus was able to pray for hours and hours on end.  I wish I could do that.  I guess I am human and I get to distracted, even when I am alone.  I find it difficult to pray for long periods of time.  I guess I feel like I run out of things to say, and things to hear.    Is meditation considered prayer?  

~Sunny :D

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