Saturday, December 21, 2013

In a Desert

Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her.”  There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the valley of Anchor a door of hope.  There she will sing as the days of her youth, as in the day she came out of Egypt.  In that day, declares the LORD, “you will call me husband, you will no longer call me master.”
(Hosea 2: 14-16)

I remember reading this verse several years ago.  I live in Phoenix (Which is a desert) so I was very fascinated by this verse.  Being reminded of this verse a few weeks ago, I found myself meditating on it often and trying to figure out what GOD was trying to teach me with it.

            When I think of biblical examples of people being in a desert, I always think of it as a trial of sorts.   When people retreat into a desert they are often tested in their faith and they learn to rely on GOD and his provisions.   Hagar wanted to end her life in a desert and saw GOD (Genesis 16).  The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years as GOD provided for their daily needs with Manna. (Exodus)   Jesus went into the desert to fast and pray and found himself tempted by the Devil (Matthew 4).  

            These biblical figures found and relied on GOD to take care of their needs.  I feel like I am in a desert and with everything going on in my life, I do feel like my faith is being tested.   This verse was brought back into my life recently because GOD wanted to teach me something through it.  Therefore I am not going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her.”   GOD has me living in the center of a desert (literally) and I am facing a desert in my life.   His word has promised me that he planned for this trial and will speak tenderly to me during it~ he will give me his promises in scripture.  “There she will sing as the days of her youth”.  I love to sing and listen to music.  GOD often uses music to communicate with me.  This is teaching me that I should anticipate singing many songs of praise to the LORD during this trial.  “You will call me husband”.    The church is the bride of Christ.   We are considered his beloved.   Perhaps I need to stop praying and wishing and looking for a husband and focus on my Heavenly lover instead. 

            I believe GOD is telling me that I am going to be in a desert for a while, and this trial is not going to be pleasant.   However, with that being said, he will be here.  He will be my husband and he will sustain me during this difficult time.

~Sunny :D

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