Saturday, November 1, 2014

A time to leave...

I have decided it is time for me to take a break from the Singles group I was participating in.   Honestly, I think GOD wanted me out of there months ago but I was too wrapped up in busyness to see it.  

                  Since my birthday (August 8th), I have felt like I have been constantly having difficulty in my life.  My truck died and I had to replace it.    The new car I purchased has had a ton of problems.  I have had issues with the Fuel sensor and tire pressure gauge.   The windshield wiper fluid button was not working.   During a monsoon, my vehicle drove through some standing water and I got some flood damage which cost me $500 deducible to fix.   I had to go without a vehicle for two weeks while I waited for the parts I needed that were on back order.

This caused me to miss out on the Single’s events at my church.

I was starting to feel exhausted by the burden of this group (coupled with my never-ending car issues) so I asked the pastor in charge of that group to take some things off of my plate.   I think I really offended him because he has been really awkward around me for weeks.  He used to greet me warmly with a hug and now I get a cold thumbs up if he even acknowledges me at all.    I talked to the other leader of this group about everything and told him I was thinking about leaving the group.   He explained that all the problems with my car & the pastor was just Satan’s attack because I was doing the LORD’s work and I made such an impact on the group. 

 It made sense so I believed. Him.

                  I then got into a two month long battle with a male member of this group.   I suspect he might have been interested and I was not sure if I felt the same way.   He asked me if I was gay, or celibate.  I assured him I was not either of those and that I just wanted to take things slowly.    He would ask me why I was not dating and he offered to set me up with every loser in the church. He ripped apart my service to the church, my car, my friendships, everything that made me who I am.    He then told me I had issues and recommended I seek counseling.

It was painful.

I have not had a brother in Christ hurt me so much before.   

I left the group.

                  I cried for a week the day I wrote the pastor of the group and asked to leave.  I have had to tell half truths about why I left the group to all of the friends I have made there.  I don’t want to compromise that group.    However

I also feel immense peace!

                  A weight has been lifted off of me.  I am remembering who I am in Christ.  I am feeling joyful.  I am not talking in circles or worrying about tomorrow.  I am content.   Since I left that group I have not had a single thing happen to my vehicle.  I have not been attacked by anyone.   I have not cried.    I have been able to catch up with family members and update my long overdue blog.  (Sorry readers).  I read the Psalms.   I love the Psalms.  In short..

I feel like me again.

                  I am not sure why GOD wants me to leave this group.   I know I did great things in that group for the LORD while being there.   I am sure the LORD will reveal it to me in his timing!

~Sunny :D

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