Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I have been reaching out to several single women who have been attending my church.   My goal is to meet with each one over coffee or lunch to find out who they are and what they are all about.
I am finding these women of God are not very different from my worldly friends.   They swear, they drink, they don’t read their bibles and they sleep with the guys they date.   I had a very discouraging conversation with a fellow lady.   It goes as follows:

HER: I slept with the last 2 guys I dated.    How about you?  
ME: No.  I don’t do stuff like that.
HER:  Make out sessions? Do you fool around?  How far do you go? Come on spill it!
ME: I don’t feel comfortable doing that.
HER:  Come on, you can tell me.. I won’t tell anyone.
ME:  There is nothing to tell. 
HER: So, what did you do with the last guy you dated?
ME: We went to the zoo, got frozen yogurt, went to a Skate party, and the school basketball game.
HER: Were you 14?
ME: No.  We worked together.  
HER:  So, you didn’t do anything with him?  Not even a hot make-out session?
ME: No.  I told you I don’t agree with that kind of stuff.  He and I decided to focus on building the friendship instead of being physical. 
HER:  (Rolls eyes) You are no fun!

            Seriously!?!?!? I was insulted that she would equate me to a common whore and then she made fun of me because I was following my convictions (That line up with GOD’s word).   After our conversation, two verses came to mind:

“Watch out for false prophets.  They come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.  By their fruit you will recognize them.”
~Matthew 7:15-16.

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.  Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”
~Matthew 10:16

 I am going to be friendly with her but keep my distance from now on.   However, women wonder why they can’t find a good Godly man.  Well, it is because of this!    GOD will not bless disobedience! 

A man will always reap what he/she sows!

~Sunny :D

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