Thursday, January 2, 2014

Unexpected Gift

One of the teachers I work with gave me a hand made bracelet for Christmas.   She made it out of fancy beads and it is really beautiful.   I was not expecting this gift from her.   She and I are not really that close and we have only talked a few times this year.  It was an unexpected gift, but a total blessing from GOD.

            I have grappled a lot with my single state these past few months.  (as I am sure you have read).    I knew I needed to have a new attitude but was unsure how to do so.    Over the Christmas break I spent a lot of time with GOD and I have a new outlook about my single state.  I not longer despise it; I no longer feel like I am living someone else’s life.  My mind has become renewed.   Old things pass away; all things become new.

            I considered signing up for dating websites.  I considered joining multiple Christian singles groups (That other churches offer~ my church does not have one for people who are in their 30’s).  I considered asking other Christians I know to “set me up” with someone.   However, after much time in prayer and in the word I decided that NONE of these options were right for me.   I don’t need to waste my time going on awkward dates with total strangers.  I don’t need the distractions.  I certainly don’t need to waste my time pulling rose petals off of flowers asking: “He loves me, he loves me not”.
            I need to spend my time focused on Jesus and serving others.  I need to shift the focus off of me and my goals and plans and onto JESUS and his kingdom.   That’s the purpose of my life~ to glorify GOD. I need to focus on my heavenly husband!

            So the bracelet I received has more meaning in it than being just a nice gift from a friend at work.  This bracelet will be worn to remind me of where my focus should be and why I am really on earth.   To serve GOD.   I plan on wearing that bracelet whenever I start to forget the real reason I am here; whenever I feel I might be distracted away from GOD.

~Sunny :D

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