Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Perfect Day!

Today is a perfect day!  Sometime I just have those days that feel fantastic and today was one of those days.   I did not do anything particularly exciting today but it was relaxing.  I didn’t have to work today.  I had no meetings, or events with friends on the schedule.   I didn’t have any appointments or obligations to tend to today.  I spent the day with God.

 I woke up around 7AM.   I read a few chapters of my bible and took my pug for a nice, long hike.   I listened to some praise and worship music while on the hike.

After the hike, I went to Starbucks to prepare my lesson for Sunday School tomorrow.   It was not very busy and I was able to find a nice table to spread all of my materials out.

After I was done writing my lesson, I went to Panara Bread to get some lunch.  I was pleasantly surprised it was not too busy.  I ordered a big bowl of broccoli cheddar soup and a roll.     I sat there and enjoyed my meal alone.  I pondered my life and wrote out a list of goals out into my journal.  Some of the goals are “BIG IDEA” goals and some of them are small and attainable.  

I came home and spent the afternoon with my roommate watching Netflix.   That evening we put on our swimsuits and relaxed in the hot tub.

I did not do anything exciting, but the day was PERFECT!

~Sunny :D

Dinner & A Movie: Hawaiian

I have the gift of hospitality.  I enjoy opening up my home and inviting people over.   One of my summer goals was to Host a Dinner and Movi...